我沒有 + Where Have All The Flowers Gone

梁心頤( Lara ) 我沒有 + Where Have All The Flowers Gone專輯


你曾經也有送花給我(where have all the flowers gone)
說你愛我比愛自己更多(long time passing)
我笑了 我愛了(where have all the flowers gone, long time ago)

我把你的花收藏在胸口(where have all the flowers gone)
以為這樣能保存(gone to young girls, everyone)
現在我懂了(when will they ever learn)
愛會退色(when will they ever learn)

你是否還會想到我(where have all the young girls gone, long time passing)
是否也會這樣寂寞(where have all the young girls gone, long time ago)
是不是有牽別的手(where have all the young girls gone, gone to young men
我沒有(when will they ever learn)
我沒有(when will they ever learn)

說你愛我也只是個經過(where have all the flowers gone)
心像風吹過的季節轉動(long time passing)
安靜了(where have all the flowers gone)
改變了(long time ago)

ㄧ年後(where have all the flowers gone)
遇見你我試著貼上笑容(gone to young girls, everyone)
多麼小心的難過(gone to young girls, everyone)
發抖的嘴唇 (when will they ever learn)
不敢過問(when will they ever learn)

你是否還會想到我(where have all the young girls gone, long time passing)
是否也會這樣寂寞(where have all the young girls gone, long time ago)
(where have all the young girls gone, gone to young men
我沒有(when will they ever learn)
我沒有(when will they ever learn)